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Monday 30 July 2018

Canine Cohen: Changing a dogs name: Jansen into Whiskey


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Hi all, many people adopt rescue and shelter dogs with names that they would like to change, either the dog knows that name or it was one just given by the rescue or shelter we can change it to a name that feels right for us.

Here is a video of when I started the process of changing my Badass Brooklyn Animal Rescue foster I had for a year into his new forever home name of Whiskey. Another video of my preferred method with two or more people to come shortly from a recent training session.
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Hi all, many people adopt rescue and shelter dogs with names that they would like to change, either the dog knows that name or it was one just given by the rescue or shelter we can change it to a name that feels right for us.

Here is a video of when I started the process of changing my Badass Brooklyn Animal Rescue foster I had for a year into his new forever home name of Whiskey. Another video of my preferred method with two or more people to come shortly from a recent training session.


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