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Friday, 6 October 2017

The Most ADORABLE Puppies You'll Want to Own

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There’s pretty much nothing that’s cuter than a basket full of puppies, well, maybe two baskets full of puppies, but that’s it! In celebration of one of the best things on the planet, here are The Most Adorable Puppies You’ll Want To Own with a few dogs thrown in too.

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#18 - The Comedian
You can tell by the laughing face pictured here that this dog is a comedian. She may have really bad jokes and then just laughs at herself, but at least that way she’s entertained and not digging through the garbage or drinking from the toilet.

#17 - Teddy In Time Out
Every time we see the breed pictured here, we’re just amazed at how similar it looks to a teddy bear. This pup looks like it got in trouble because it’s standing in the corner like it’s in time out. If we had a dog with a face like that, they’d probably never be in trouble no matter what they did. How can you be mad at that face?

#16 - Unsure Footing
Who knows what the puppies pictured here think they are doing but whatever it is it’s pretty freaking funny. They might just be eating breakfast but for them, they’re flying through clouds of kibble.

#15 - Not A Fan
Just like the unhappy bath timer we saw a minute ago, the pooch pictured here doesn’t look like it's a big fan of bath time either. It really doesn’t matter though, because since dogs don’t bathe themselves like cats, they need a helping hand every once in awhile.

#14 - A Sassy Husky
The husky pup in this picture looks like she’s going to be a handful. That adorable face alone just shows how sassy she’s going to be.

#13 - Special Delivery
The mailman would have just become our favorite person on the planet if we went to check the mail and this bundle of joy rolled out. He’d be getting a Christmas present for sure.

#12 - A Pup And His Toy
The look on the puppy in this picture’s face is simply priceless. He’s having a blast with his toy and there isn’t anything that’s going to stop him.

#11 - Paw Prints On Our Heart
It really is unfortunate that all dogs leave paw prints on our hearts like the puppy in this picture left in the sand. They are far too good for us and they don’t live nearly long enough. If we could have one wish it would be that our dogs lasted as long as we did.

#10 - Five More Minutes
The puppy in this picture is definitely our spirit animal. With its paw out stretched like that it looks like it’s asking for five more minutes. That’s what we ask our alarm every. single. morning.

#9 - Puppy Kisses
Some people aren’t fans of puppy kisses but we are. Just as long as it’s a little kiss like what’s shown in this image, not the slobbery version that leaves you wanting to take a shower.

#8 - A Scared Swimmer
The dog pictured here looks terrified that he’s being forced to learn how to swim. His face is heartstoppingly cute though which would most likely have us taking trips to the pool until he learned to swim and get over his fears at the same time.

#7 - Rolly Polly
This tiny baby is so fat that it’s a wonder it can run around on those tiny stub legs at all. Well, since this picture shows it sitting up, we don’t know if this little guy can actually get around. We might be stuck having to carry it around with us all day. That’s a chore we wouldn’t mind.

#6 - A New Take On “Puppy Dog Eyes”
When dogs give us the famous “puppy dog eyes,” there is very little we can do to resist. The interestingly colored dog in this shot gives us a new take on the whole idea. This dog looks like he has another set of eyes, they just don’t make him look like he’s begging.

#5 - A Precious Princess
Although some doggy clothes are outrageous and hideous, there are times, like when this picture was taken, when dressing up a dog in human-like clothing gets our stamp of approval. The matching bow is the icing on this cute cake.

#4 - Sly Dog
We aren’t sure what this sly dog is up to but the dog pictured here looks like he has quite the secret to tell. Here’s to hoping there’s no poop in the house.

#3 - Cleopatra
This image shows a dog whose owner watches all of those makeup tutorials on YouTube. Not that the owner put makeup on an animal, but it looks like this pup has a serious thing for the cat-eye style. It’s almost Cleopatra-esque.

#2 - Man’s Best Friend
Since the dawn of time dogs have been called “Man’s Best Friend.” In honor of those words, dogs seem to jump into life on high gear, excited for the next bend in the river. Just like the adventurous pooch pictured here, they’re down for anything, including a day out on the water. That happens to be their favorite.

#1 - A Bucketful Of Puppies
Well, in the beginning of all of these adorable pups, we said that there was nothing better than a bucket full of puppies so here it is, a picture of a bucket of pups. We actually said that the only thing better would be two, so here’s another pile of puppies, this time in a basket.


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