I Love puppies Videos, puppies pictures, puppies golden retriever, puppies wallpaper,puppy drawing, puppy cartoon,funny puppies etc puppies and kittens

Wednesday 29 August 2018

Doggy Cam


puppies pictures,
puppies golden retriever,
puppies wallpaper,
puppy drawing,
With a piece of basic DIY material, being duct tape, I modded a collar so I could attach my GoPro 3. This is my first test video. In the movie my dog, called Mambo, is being fed. I was also playing a bit with him. He always checks both doors if he can spot us. If so he holds a staring competition. :)

This video is raw footage, meaning it is still unedited.
puppy cartoon,
funny puppies,
puppies and kittens,
puppies dog

With a piece of basic DIY material, being duct tape, I modded a collar so I could attach my GoPro 3. This is my first test video. In the movie my dog, called Mambo, is being fed. I was also playing a bit with him. He always checks both doors if he can spot us. If so he holds a staring competition. :)

This video is raw footage, meaning it is still unedited.


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