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Sunday 29 April 2018

Dogs catch huge salmon Dogs Take to Fishing Like Ducks to Water


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Thank you for the cool people that like my dogs ASS FOR THE HATERS Here is a message for you at this link
dogs catch huge salmon Dogs Take to Fishing Like Ducks to Water To use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email licensing@storyful.com
Follow my DOGS blog page . http://dogslovefun.blogspot.ca/
Pit bull's Dog's catching huge fish In the river . Having fun Playing with fish

I was not there this day. A friend took my dogs to the river and they spotted salmon in the river They instinctively started chasing and catching the fish My friend had a video camera with her so she videoed the entire event. I would not have let them do this as its best to leave the fish to there natural life cycle, But whats done is done and it will never happen again. So here is a video of the event to be remembered . Please DO NOT ALOE YOUR DOGS TO DO THIS. I don't thing its good for the fish.
The fish were finished there life cycle and completed their spawn Also all fish were released back into the river to die naturally and feed the wild life in the area as nature intended.But I still recommend not letting this happen The only down fall of this day was It created a big argument between me and My friend cuz I "barked" at her for enabling this to happen We no longer talk But if she reads this one day I apologize to her for yelling at her for it. because she was sincerely unaware .
puppy cartoon,
funny puppies,
puppies and kittens,
puppies dog

Thank you for the cool people that like my dogs ASS FOR THE HATERS Here is a message for you at this link
dogs catch huge salmon Dogs Take to Fishing Like Ducks to Water To use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email licensing@storyful.com
Follow my DOGS blog page . http://dogslovefun.blogspot.ca/
Pit bull's Dog's catching huge fish In the river . Having fun Playing with fish

I was not there this day. A friend took my dogs to the river and they spotted salmon in the river They instinctively started chasing and catching the fish My friend had a video camera with her so she videoed the entire event. I would not have let them do this as its best to leave the fish to there natural life cycle, But whats done is done and it will never happen again. So here is a video of the event to be remembered . Please DO NOT ALOE YOUR DOGS TO DO THIS. I don't thing its good for the fish.
The fish were finished there life cycle and completed their spawn Also all fish were released back into the river to die naturally and feed the wild life in the area as nature intended.But I still recommend not letting this happen The only down fall of this day was It created a big argument between me and My friend cuz I "barked" at her for enabling this to happen We no longer talk But if she reads this one day I apologize to her for yelling at her for it. because she was sincerely unaware .


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